The Youth Movement of CSI Parish, Sharjah, initiated the energetic Football tournament, the first of its kind in the history of the parish.

CSI Parish, Sharjah_Youth Movement_Football Tournament 2023
The Youth Movement of CSI Parish, Sharjah, successfully conducted the first-ever CSI Parish Sharjah football tournament on 09th December 2023 at Mizhar Park, Dubai. The leaders of the Youth Movement extended their heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, parents and church members for the support they received for this novel initiative. The football tournament was kicked off by the Vicar of the Parish. It was heartening to see the teenagers and elders playing together.
The winning team- Team A:
1. Obin K Joseph
2. Sam Ooommen Mathew
3. Rohan Shibu
4. Thomas Philip Alex
5. Aashiq Jobin
6. Ivin Koshy
7. Vijay Joseph Jacob
8. Abu Oommen Joseph
9. Ashish Sabu Mathew